organizations & Churches

Blanchardville United Methodist Church
101 N Main Street, PO Box 76
Blanchardvile, WI 53516
Service Time: Sunday 9:00 am
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Barbara Wells
Phone: 608-558-7968

Blanchardville Women's Club
Our goals are: Community improvement, the support of local, state, national and international humanitarian projects and educational growth. All are welcome to join our meetings 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Blanchardville / Hollandale Area Fund
A permanent endowment created to give back a portion of its earnings in the form of grants to qualified organizations serving the community.

Dobson Johnson Gallagher American Legion Post 142
Dave Gerber, Adjutant
608 558-8935
Meetings held on the second Monday each month at 7:00 pm. No meetings in July, August and January, February.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
304 Meadow St
Blanchardville, WI 53516
Mass: Saturday 4:00 pm
Phone: 608-967-2344
or 608-543-3631

Knights of Columbus
Mark Gruenenfelder
Ph: 608-574-8602
We are men of faith and men of action. We render financial aid to members and their families.

New Hope Lutheran Church
305 Madison Street, PO Box 138
Blanchardville, WI 53516
Pastor Chris Strohm
Ph: 608-523-4239

York Memorial Lutheran Church
N9407 State Road 78
Blanchardville, WI 53516
Phone: (608) 523-4336 or (608) 558-0335
If you are a local organization or club and would like to be listed on our website, please contact us and provide your information.